AstroVideos: Eclipses, Miscellanea, Clouds and Other
by Lorenzo Comolli & Alessandro Gambaro (and other friends)

Summary:  Eclipses | Miscellanea | Clouds | Other

Subject: Total Lunar Eclipse
Date: 15 June 2011
Location: Cogliate (MB), Po Valley, Italy, 200 m height
Camera: Canon EOS 350D and 5D
Sensitivity: 400-800 ISO
More data inside the video
Formats: Youtube 1080p - Youtube 720p - AVI 1080p
Author: Lorenzo Comolli
Subject: Total Lunar Eclipse
Date: 21 February 2008
Location: Tradate (VA), 305m, Italy
Camera: Canon EOS 350D unmodified
Sensitivity: 400-800 ISO
Objective: Schmidt-Cassegrain 20cm f/6.3
Exposure: from 4 s to 1/1000s
Frame interval: 5 min
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli
Subject: Total Lunar Eclipse
Date: 21 February 2008
Location: Castano Primo (MI), Italy
Camera: Canon EOS 350D Hutech
Sensitivity: 400 ISO
Objective: Sigma 20mm f/3.5
Exposure: auto
Frame interval: 30 s
1.00 -> 5.30 UT
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Alessandro Gambaro
Subject: Total Lunar Eclipse
Date: 3-4 March 2007
Location: Tradate (VA), 305m, Italy
Camera: Canon EOS 350D unmodified
Sensitivity: 400-800 ISO
Objective: Schmidt-Cassegrain 20cm f/6.3
Exposure: from 4 s to 1/1000s
Frame interval: 1 min
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli
Subject: Lunar Libration during Total Lunar Eclipse
Date: 3-4 March 2007
Location: Tradate (VA), 305m, Italy
Camera: Canon EOS 350D unmodified
Sensitivity: 400 ISO
Objective: Schmidt-Cassegrain 20cm f/6.3
Exposure: 1/1000 s
Frame interval: 7 h
Formats: GIF and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli

Subject: Total Solar Eclipse: all time-lapses and videos was joined into this single video
Date: 29 March 2006
Location: Sallum, Egipt
Camera: Canon EOS 350D Hutech and Panasonic digital videocamera
Sensitivity: 100 ISO
Objective: time lapses: Pentax 75, 500 mm; video 60x optical zoom
Exposure: 2nd and 3rd contacts: 1/1000 s; whole eclipse: partial phases 1/125 s with a glass solar filter D5, and from 1/2000s to 1s in totality
Frame interval: time lapses: 1 fps
Duration: 2nd contact:
from T2-25s to T2+15s, (T2 at 10.38.06 UT); 3rd contact: from T3-15s to T3+25s, (T3 at 10.42.02 UT); whole eclipse:  from T2-25s to T2+15s, (T2 at 10.38.06 UT); 
Formats: Youtube - AVI - SWF
Authors: Lorenzo Comolli and Alessandro Gambaro


Subject: 2011 AL37 near earth asteroid fast movement.
2011 AL37 (K11A37L) is a near Earth asteroid (NEA) passing very near to Earth in the days around end January 2011. At the moment of this images it was 2.5 millions of km distant and was moving at 22"/min.

Date: 24 Jan 2011, from 23.39 to 23.59 UT
Location: Tradate (VA), 305 m height
Camera: Starlight Xpress Lodestar CCD
Objective: Newton 310 mm, with focal reducer, f.l. 1295 mm
Exposure: 15 s, 123 frames
Formats: Youtube - AVI - SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli
Subject: Mars 2007-2008 animation
Date: single images of December 2007 and January 2008
More details: here
Formats: AVI , GIF and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli
Subject: Asteroid 2006 VV2 from only 3.9 milions of km
Date: 29 oct 2006
Location: Tradate (VA), 305m, Italy
Camera: kaf-6303 ccd camera
Objective: Schmidt camera dia 300mm f/2.0
Exposure: 30 s
Pause: 30 s (some frame was not acquired)
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli
Subject: Lunar occultation of Saturn, Entrance phase
Date: 22 may 2007
Location: Tradate (VA), 305m, Italy
Camera:  Webcam Philips Vesta Pro
Objective: acromatic refractor 120mm f/13 + barlow 2x
Exposure: 1/10 s
Frame rate: 10 fps
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli and Stefano Simonelli
Subject: Lunar occultation of Saturn, Exit phase
Date: 22 may 2007
Location: Tradate (VA), 305m, Italy
Camera:  Webcam Philips Vesta Pro
Objective: acromatic refractor 120mm f/13 + barlow 2x
Exposure: 1/10 s
Frame rate: 10 fps
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli and Stefano Simonelli

Subject: Cloud-fall
Date: 5 jul 2008
Location: Bogli (PC), 1350m, Appennines, Italy
Camera: Canon EOS 350D unmodified
Objective: 18mm f/5
Exposure: auto
Frame interval: 15 s
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli
Subject: Springtime sky
Date: 19 apr 2008
Location: Castano Primo (MI), Italy
Camera: Canon EOS 350D Hutech
Objective: 22mm f/8
Exposure: 1/250 s
Frame interval: 10 s
Duration: 100 min
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Alessandro Gambaro
Subject: Dance of clouds
Date: 9 jun 2007
Location: Promiod (AO), Alps, Italy
Camera: Canon EOS 350D Hutech
Objective: 33mm f/8
Exposure: auto
Frame interval: 10 s
Duration: 1 h
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Alessandro Gambaro


Subject: Conference at CielOstellato 2008 StarParty, explaining the tecniques of time-lapse sequences. This animation was used as a practical example.
Date: 10 may 2008
Location: Ostellato (FE), Italy
Camera: Canon EOS 350D unmodified
Objective: 18mm f/6.3
Exposure: auto
Frame interval: 10 s
Duration: 1 h
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli and Alessandro Gambaro
Subject: Breakfast at midday after a night of observing, not so fast, 1h! From the left Cristiano, me, Giosuè and Ilaria.
Date: 2 may 2008
Location: Bogli (PC), 1350m, Appennines, Italy
Camera: Canon EOS 350D unmodified
Objective: 18mm f/9
Exposure: 1/200 s
Frame interval: 5 s
Duration: 1 h
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli
Subject: Opening and closing of my roll-off observatory
Date: may 2007
Location: Tradate (VA), 305m, Italy
Camera: Canon EOS 350D unmodified
Objective: 8mm f/8
Exposure: auto
Frame interval: 3 fps
Formats: AVI and SWF
Author: Lorenzo Comolli

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. My email is:
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